Category Archives: yard and gardens

Spring flowers

After all the rain we have had, the flowers are so pretty in our yard. I felt compelled to wander through the yard and take pictures of all the beautiful flowers.

My pretty red geraniums, always so pretty and bright !!!


Tha potted pansies are still looking good, despite some mid 80 days !!


This next rose is just so beautiful and the pictures do not do justice to the color. it is a dusty pink , but a unusual dusty pink. After almost dying a few years ago when we had an extreme winter and summer, the roses came back very tiny. This year they are bigger, but I am not sure if they will ever be the big roses they once were !! The color did not change , however. They are my favorite rose of all time.



I love the vibrant colors of the dianthus , never hard to see from across the yard !!


My husband loves these single roses, tea roses I think they are called. I really do not care for them, as to me they look like half is missing. I still think the color is good and could not resist this picture with the small bug on the rose !!


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my favorite rose again.

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Our Iris did not bloom as much as usual, this is the last one, but most of our iris plants did not bloom at all. Very odd for our plants. Usually we get a ton of iris blooms !!



I am a huge fan of snapdragons and love the pinks the most. Such pretty little things and the grand kids love making them talk !!!

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We have more rain coming through later this week, I am thrilled as they plants are all loving it !!  I collected some rain water for my few house plants and I am sure they appreciated it !!!

Not much is going on regarding the house, kitchen is still on hold for now. We hope to finish it up in the next couple of months, and that will be a huge relief !!We are all very tired of the half done kitchen !!!

Thanks for stopping by !!


Springtime yard !!

I love spring time. I love all the pretty flowers, the trees coming back to life and the promise of a lovely new season.

I took a lot of pictures this past couple of weeks and thought I would share them with you today !!!

the top one is our stunning whisteria. It grows more each year and we love it !!! It is an out growth of a now gone really old whisteria bush/ tree that was here when we moved  here, but eventually died off over the last few years. No idea how old it is, but we are lucky to have this big off shoot in the place the old was was located, a baby one started, several in fact. My husband braided them together and they are growing into a lovely small tree/ bush like the parent was. I will show it later in the post.

This rose was a huge rose, but over the heat of a bad summer the bush almost died , this is when we rented out the house to our kids. I was not there to baby it and it did come back, but as a much smaller bush. By that I mean, smaller leaves and smaller flowers. Still the same stunning color I fell in love with, but so small now !!


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this iris bed was planted well before we bought the house back in 2002.  . We decided it is time, after they bloom, so break it up and plant a few more things, as it got a bit overgrown and we noticed a section in the center never came back. IMG_0091

the mocking birds have been extremely active this year and I have captured some amazing pictures of them this week !!



here is a bigger shot of the whisteria on the fence


our Oklahoma red bud in full bloom a couple of weeks ago.


shots of the yard from the top of our new 17 foot ladder. I had my hubby take them as you will get me up on that tall ladder !!!

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I love how he got the roof and the front yard and our picket. You can see I still have a couple of repaired panels to paint on the inside !! DSCN5474 DSCN5473

My husbands old truck, Mater, the kids named it that as it  used to be rusty, sits in what we call the back lot until he can get the time to do the repair he needs. The kids swing set is next to him but needs some major shoring up. The back lot is very overgrown and needs a mow badly !!

the side of the yard, between the picket and six foot, is stuff we need to get rid of, and some stuff we are going to do something with, branches, old wood, and some neat old chain link gates and a metal bench there are plans to use. We have a lot to do in t his yard. Note the three spindles as you walk into the back lot. Got them free, not sure what we are going to do with them at his point !! DSCN5469

a shot of the iris bed we are goign to thin out.  There are more iris under the big wisteria vine on the fence, they are yellow and do not bloom much so we want to move them to a better location as well. This shot was taken before they started to bloom a few weeks ago !!



some of our potted plants. Many are gifts that I have had a few years, some are new plants we just potted !!


I took this Easter weekend. Two of our grandaughters  were checking out the whisteria and I got  some cute shots of them before they caught me and started posing !!


our flowerbed in front of the back lot !!This was taken when we planted it a couple of weeks ago. I will take an update this week, they have all grown already !!

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Well, time to get moving !!

I just wanted to s hare some of my spring pictures here !!

Thanks so much for stopping by !!

































































































Spring time at our cute vintage cottage

I will be posting a lot more as we work on our house this summer. But spring is here and I wanted to share some pretty pictures from our yards. Front and back !!

I do not know what kind of iris this top one is, but after thirteen years they have really spread out and are so pretty !! We have a lot of purple as well, but this dusty pink is just so pretty !!

I do not know what color this top iris is, they started out with just a few and now after 13 yeaI

I do IiiiiiI do I over 13 I am not sure what color of iris this is, but over the 13 y





we purchased some new rose bushes to plant and this is one of them , a pretty yellow rose !!


the iris bed , very wild, and a lot of baby trees. After they are done blooming and the flowers die down, we will pull them and everything else out of this flower bed and move the iris around the yard. We have some yellow in different parts of the yard and we will plant them around some of the trees in the front yard and our light in the front yard, just leaving a few in this flower bed so they have room to spread out, they are very crowded now !! We plan to make the flower bed smaller as well.


Our wisteria were stunning this year. They are almost bloomed out now, but were just stunning a few weeks ago.  Of course I took a million pictures , so I will share a few below this picture !!


they they they they were loaded with flowe3rthe





We had to tame it a bit and my husband wired it to the fence to keep it off our neighbors roof and from going under the eves of her garage !!



thisThis was our wisteria  in 2002. Thithi


this is our wisteria from thirteen years ago. It was very old and finally we lost it a few years ago. The new one on the fence is a baby from a runner off this orginal, but even better is the new one that just started a year ago in almost the same place as the old one. So, David put a decorative ring around it and we are hoping one day it will be as big as the original. We are thrilled it lives on in the new vines. Our house was pink, the fence was six foot, and there was no fence around the outside of the property, and the car port was open. Now it has a gate, and lattice, the inside fence is a picket and there is a six foot on the outside edge of the property !! Things have changed a lot in thirteen years !!




there is another baby next to it, so we are letting them both grow. The bigger one is actually three vines that David wove together and tied with plant tape. We are going to take very good care of it and one day we hope to have another beautiful big wisteria tree / bush like we used to !!




I love our rose bush in the front yard. We let it go wild until it finishes blooming and then David cuts it way back for the year, shaping it and keeping it trimmed. It only blooms the one time, but the scent of the pretty and dainty roses is worth waiting for , they are just stunning !!


this is my favorite stage, in between bud and fully bloomed. DSCN0942


just so pretty , perfect shade of pink


this is how small they are. My hands are not that big, and average womans hand,  so they are pretty tiny.




I do not care as much for the fully bloomed flowers, but they are still pretty. A wonderful display over our front gate every spring !!! It will bloom for couple weeks. DSCN0977

So, spring is sprung here  and I am enjoying every minute of it. We will be doing a lot of projects this spring and summer I will share. Repairing our picket fence, repairing our front porch, almost rebuilding it,  putting in a shower in the front bath, new carpet and paint in parts of the house. We have a very long list as well as a lot of stuff in the yards. Plants to put in, and plants to come out. I am really looking forward to the changes to come and look forward to sharing them with you !!

Thanks for stopping by !!













Back porch clean up.

Our back porch was a mess, so bad I forgot to even take pictures, but this was from a few weeks ago and you can see the mess we had going on !! IMG_0544

My husband started by extending the flagstone extension to the patio and putting the grill on the other sides improving our sight lines from the house !! Instead of seeing a big black cover on the grill, now I can see the yard from the family room


We had a big table on the porch that had four old blue folding chairs around it, we put them away and made two small seating areas instead !! IT was nice to get it all cleaned up and pretty again !!



table spool from work , benches from a yard sale cheap !!


DSCN8190cute wire teapot and cups all around the porch !



a coffee pot too !!




it is a pleasure to spend time on our back porch now, we still want to get some nicer furniture for it, but for now, it is nice and neat and clean !!

Thanks for stopping by !!



Flowers, lots of flowers !!!

I have been so excited waiting to plant some spring flowers and finally got to do some potted plants on Saturday and have more to put in the garden this week, a forecast final frost kept them on the porch the last few days, I had them all set out, but had to pull them in and cover them with that garden cloth, all survived and will be planted on Friday !!!

This is what me and some of our grandkids were up to on Saturday morning !!





i dug this bush out of the garden, he has been in there for four years and has hardly grown, so, I potted him, he looked limp the first day, but looks great now !! I like him  better as a potted plant !!

Yes I do call my plants him, sometimes her, lol. Always  have !!! Mostly just the permanant ones. IMG_0036







set out and ready to plant !!!

pretty vintage inspired plant stand, soon to be filled with flowers and herbs !!


So, friday I will be sure to take some pictures and share my progress !! I would have had them all in the ground already, but after hearing the forecast figured it was safer to wait.

so excited about spring, looking forward to a beautiful yard this year !!!

Thanks for stopping by ,


Spring is here, and so is work !!!

Our wonderful yard is finally blooming and growing and I am thrilled, but it means the work is growing too !!

Here are some shots I took around the back  yard today !!




Our old compost bin, we have not used it for a while and now an iris has made its home in it !! We will have to transplant it to another place !!!


a tipsy shot, but I wanted to show the pretty tree behind and to the side of of  it, and the the baby tree in the corner, it grew wild years ago and we just trimmed it up, but so far, just letting it grow !!


standing in that corner looking out


some more shots from what we call the back lot, called that because when we bought the house 12 years ago, this part of the property was hidden by a then six foot privicy fence. My husband took it apart and made it a picket and took out the gate. We have plans for that back lot, but not sure exactly what at this point !! We have discussed many options over the years, but a garden for sure, and someday maybe a pool, but for now, a wooden play set for the grand kids our daughter gave us when they bought thier house, they did not want it for hte new house !! We have that cute little play house too, but the swing set with the little play house will be wonderful !!


You can see our well behind the house, have not decided after 12 years how to use it to our advantge, lol. Need to hook a pump to it for watering the yards… some day !!!!



My husband built that neat corner bench from wood he ripped down, just to do it, maybe seven years ago. He hates it and wants to take it apart and start over. I want him to repair it and paint it white, we will see who gets their way, lol !!! I love it, we have to secure it to the shed, it can flop over if we have bad winds, but so far in that postiion it has been okay !!




Yes I did, I bought flamingos, only ten bucks for two, our youngest son told me I paid ten dollars too much for them, lol !! I had some vintage ones, but they are gone now , I love them



We have to repot a special plant. When our infant grandson passed away my husbands work gave us this plant, that was around eight years ago. We have put him in bigger pots several times and now it is time again. He is the Russell plant, named for our precious  little Grandson who was born sick and only was with us nine months, so time for Russell to get a bigger pot  !!



more babies for me and my friend Laurie to plant or pot tomorrow, Some are hers but most are mine, money well spent to make our yard look festive and to have fresh herbs and veggies !! We picked out some seeds today too, fun times shopping !!


blueberry bushes !!!!


after loading it all in the trunk of my fairly new Passet, I looked at Laurie and said, you do realize I have a big, nice truck sitting at home we could have taken, we both just laughed !!! And yes, I loaded all those bags of soil in the trunk and she and I loaded them all on the bottom of the cart !! On sale for 2 bucks a bag, herbs and veggies on sale for two bucks each as well !! Wished there was more selection, pretty awful, NO pony packs, wanted sweet alysim and snapdragons, and petunias, only had them in the singles, so I picked up some dianthus, some  of these are spelled wrong and I am fullly aware, lol, but anyway, picked up some lavender and dianthus for the boy and girl flower bed.

So, very exciting, I am off to work in the yards, my hubby is going to mow as he lost the overtime this week to seniority, but we need to get stuff done, so that is fine !! We want our yards pretty and now we have some time to work on them after all !!

Well, off to work, will share pictures when I am done, the rest Laurie and I will do tomorrow !!

forgot to share our pretty iris blooms , our honeysuckle and a few last shots of the yard, you can see my late moms car hidden behind the barn, I have to either let it go or fix it soon. but for now it is on gravel behind the barn safe and sound !!




thanks for stopping by, off to plant Russell in a bigger pot !!!
